Win at Teaching Online Courses
Start teaching courses on Udemy and through self-hosting with the latest techniques of a bestselling Udemy instructor.
Want to make thousands teaching online courses?
Interested in teaching courses on Udemy, Skillshare, or any other online course platform?
Want to teach courses on a self-hosted Teachable (formerly UseFedora), Zippy Courses, or Patience site?
Bestselling Udemy instructor Phil Ebiner gives you his best advice for teaching online courses in 2016.
This mini-course will teach you:
- How to choose your first online course topic
- Should you create a flagship or niche course?
- The equipment that I use for creating courses
- How to choose a course title that will sell more
- How to price your courses on Udemy and elsewhere
- How to write promotional announcements that sell
- How to increase interaction in your courses
- How to make more money by self-hosting your course
Please enjoy this course. I hope you truly enjoy it!
Your Instructor
My passion is inspiring people through online courses. Since 2012, over 2,000,000 students have taken my online courses - and I'm so grateful to every single one of you.
I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Film and Television Production from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Over the past 10 years, I've shot and edited thousands of videos that have played everywhere from the movie screen and television to film festivals and YouTube.
Course Curriculum
StartHow to Choose Your First Topic (4:37)
StartShould You Create a Flagship or Niche Course? (5:29)
StartEquipment I Use to Create Online Courses (6:13)
StartHow to Choose a Course Title That Sells (4:21)
StartHow to Price Your Courses to Sell More (8:24)
StartHow to Write Promotional Announcements That Sell (7:40)
StartHow to Promote Courses on YouTube (6:31)
StartHow to Increase Student Interaction (and why this is a good idea) (4:41)
StartHow to Self-Host an Online Course (6:15)